It won’t hurt forever. You’ve so got this.
If you ended a
relationship this year — no matter how long or short it was — here are a
few things that you should keep in mind as you head into the brand new
2. There is no right or wrong amount of time in which you ~should~ be moved on by.
Every relationship is different, so
you can’t put a time frame on when you’re supposed to be over your ex.
Focusing on the when, instead of taking each day at a time, is only
going to leave you frustrated and feeling defeated.
3. Just because you’re in pain without them doesn’t mean the relationship was right for you.
One of the biggest mistakes you can
make is to think that because you miss someone it means you’re meant to
be with them. Even a bad relationship can come with a few good memories.
4. And when you feel the urge to get back together (because, you probably will), remember why you broke up.
Think about all the things they did or said that showed you that you may be more compatible with someone else.
5. And no, you don’t need to stay friends.
You have so many memories and
feelings attached to that person, which makes it almost impossible to
switch to a platonic friendship that’s actually healthy for both
parties, especially if you’re still mourning the relationship.
Don’t be angry with yourself for needing to end all communication and
cut your ex out of the picture completely. This is your life and you
need to do whatever is going to help you move on.6. So spend time with people who make you laugh and feel good about yourself.
Laughing, smiling, and connecting
with others also reminds you that you are valuable and important — in or
out of a relationship. And you’re damn well still capable of enjoying
7. And channel those emotions in positive ways.
When your emotions become
overwhelming, try managing them through things like journaling,
painting, working out, or something else that makes you feel productive
and awesome.
8. Remember, it’s not a competition. Stay focused on how YOU’RE doing and the progress that you’re making.
That’s what matters.
9. Getting rid of all the crap they left at your place is always a good idea.
Hanging on to their stuff is
comforting, because it’s a reminder that the relationship actually
happened. But, like trying to stay in contact with them, it only
prevents you from moving on.
10. And some social media cleansing will probably do wonders for your well-being.
Like getting rid of their stuff,
deleting your ex from all social media is only severing another tie that
makes the breakup painfully real. But having mini–panic attacks every
time they show up on your News Feed with someone you don’t know isn’t
healthy and isn’t going to help you move on.
11. If they happen to move on quickly, know that it says absolutely nothing about you and your self-worth.
Whether your ex stays single for a
year or turns around and marries someone in six months, that has nothing
to do with your value and your awesomeness. And as hard as this part
might be to accept, it also doesn’t necessarily mean that they cared
about you any less.
12. Maybe don’t try to escape your emotions by immediately distracting yourself with someone else.
Yeah, hooking up with someone new may
help take your mind off the breakup. But you might just end up pushing
those feelings off until a later date, when you’ll eventually have to
deal with them.
13. Instead, use this opportunity to focus on and reconnect with yourself.
Finally finish that book you’ve been
meaning to read. Join that club you were interested in. Or go on that
trip you were saving up for. Don’t miss out on this amazing time to
remember who you are and what makes you happy.
14. Don’t let this experience make you jaded and bitter.
Yes, what happened is tragic and
unfair. But there are so many other things in life to be thankful for.
Remember all the good things that have happened to you and all the
awesome people you have in your life.
And though it may not feel like it, you will find someone you care about again. Maybe even sooner than you think.15. Don’t blame yourself for everything that went wrong.
A relationship is a two-way street,
so chances are it wasn’t all your fault. But dwelling on all the what
ifs — like “If I had just hung out with their friends more…” or “If I
had just made more of an effort with their mother…” — often won’t help
In most cases, there was no one single event that caused the
relationship to end. It just didn’t work out at the time, and that’s OK.16. But you might want to take some time for a personal relationship postmortem.
It can be extremely painful to
reflect on the relationship, especially when the breakup is fresh. But
blocking all the memories and experiences from your mind will prevent
you from taking a hard experience and learning and growing from it.
17. Think about the type of person you want and deserve to be with.
Look back at the things your ex did
and take note of what made you feel great and what made you feel like
shit. That way in the future you’ll know what qualities are important to
you and what qualities might be deal breakers.
18. Remember: If you can love the wrong person that much, imagine how much you can love the right one.
It probably feels like that was it —
like you could never possibly feel or love or trust the way you did with
that person. But you will. And keep in mind that if you could feel that
strongly about someone who you weren’t compatible with, imagine how
you’ll feel when you find someone who is.
19. Understand that relationships and breakups give you the opportunity to build character and become a better person.
The only way to know how to deal with
tough times is to have experienced them. Going through hardship
thickens your skin, allows you to learn about yourself, and makes you
even more appreciative of when things do work out.
20. Know that you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.
There will be good and bad days. And
sometimes the bad days will feel unbearable. But remember all of the bad
days you’ve survived up until now and know that it will slowly get
21. And as much as it hurts now, know that one day you WILL be OK again.
It will not hurt forever. As time
goes by it will start to hurt less and less. Until one day you realize
you’ve made it out the other side, an even better, stronger person.
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